Posted September 16, 2023 at 3:58 pm

Yes, we're back in business in T-minus 2 weeks! With the rest of chapter 4 and an updated work schedule!

For the foreseeable future (i.e., the rest of 2023, at least), Bybloemen will be on a 4 weeks on / 1 week off schedule. So the next four pages will drop between 9/29 - 10/20, with a break week on 10/27, and then the next set of four pages will start on 11/3. As usual, Bybloemen will regularly update on Fridays, with the page dropping at 12:01 AM EST.

Why the new schedule? A concession to my (still slightly busted) body and 40+ hour a week regular job. The break week will allow me to juggle PT and a pretty ruthless Fall 23 publication schedule, while still maintaining the art quality of this comic. (Because sometimes an artist's uncompromising vision involves doing unnecessary riffs on marginalia and rendering a rude goat-man's outfit with enough hatchure lines to kill a novice engraver. But it wouldn't be the same comic, otherwise.)

So get ready for more tulipmania, demonic grifters, bird unions, weird 17th century crimes, and a lady named Gertrude just trying to make an honest(?) buck.

See you in 2 weeks!

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